The Capitalism Workshop brings together Left thinkers to collectively discuss and generate knowledge about 21st century capitalism and collective responses to it.

The Capitalism Workshop’s first goal is to showcase current work being done by researchers who are applying varieties of political economy,  Marxism and socialist theory to a problem in society.

The Capitalism Workshop’s second goal is to be a public forum for people to discuss, share and dissect ideas about a recent topic, theory or book of significance to them.

The Capitalism Workshop’s third goal is to establish a network of students, community educators, researchers and professors to share ideas, present work in progress, and self-reflexively create, apply and assess a variety of concepts for studying the problems of capitalism today.

Sponsored by The Socialist Project and the Centre for Social Justice, and co-organized by Tanner Mirrlees and Greg Albo, The Capitalism Workshop brings together plurality of people from a wide range of traditions and tendencies to share and refine their thoughts about the economic, political, historical, ecological, technological, and cultural-ideological dimensions of capitalism, with an eye to going beyond it.

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